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Keep your mask safe from falling on the ground with these easy to wear sublimatable face mask lanyards. Perfect for children and adults, these lanyards feature double hooks that attach to a face mask making it easy to slip off and wear around the neck with ease!
Additionally, when children are at school and take their mask off for lunch or recess, this will allow the students to keep track of their own mask with their personalized lanyard.
Comes ready for personalization and is available in children or adult size.
Keep your mask safe from falling on the ground with these easy to wear sublimatable face mask lanyards. Perfect for children and adults, these lanyards feature double hooks that attach to a face mask making it easy to slip off and wear around the neck with ease!
Additionally, when children are at school and take their mask off for lunch or recess, this will allow the students to keep track of their own mask with their personalized lanyard.
Comes ready for personalization and is available in children or adult size.