This item will be available for preorder on {{product.launch_date_mdy}}.
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{{}} is only available to buy in increments of {{product.qty_increment}}.
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This pack of twenty PM2.5 filters use activated charcoal to give your face mask even more filtering power! It makes filtering out germs, exhaust, pollutants, and other harmful substances a snap, and it fits easily into just about any face mask that has a filter slit. Filters are not washable.
Two filters per pack, 10 packs per bag (20 filters total).
This pack of twenty PM2.5 filters use activated charcoal to give your face mask even more filtering power! It makes filtering out germs, exhaust, pollutants, and other harmful substances a snap, and it fits easily into just about any face mask that has a filter slit. Filters are not washable.
Two filters per pack, 10 packs per bag (20 filters total).