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Two-ply economical brushed metallic acrylic designed for rotary engraving. This product line features hard-coated metals with superior durability and a glossy appearance to provide the look and luster of real metal.
Ideal for safety signage, plaques, ID plates/labels, name tags/badges, interior signage and much more.
Available with or without adhesive backing
Sheets come with a clear protective masking
Brushed metallic finish
Available in 1/16" (1.6mm) thickness
Are there any benefits to using faux metal acrylic sheets?
Metal-like plastic engraving sheets offer several benefits, such as faux metal plastic sheets being a more cost-effective, lightweight, and durable alternative to solid metal sheets. Unlike engraving traditional metals, faux metal sheets do not require pre- or post-production steps.
Two-ply economical brushed metallic acrylic designed for rotary engraving. This product line features hard-coated metals with superior durability and a glossy appearance to provide the look and luster of real metal.
Ideal for safety signage, plaques, ID plates/labels, name tags/badges, interior signage and much more.
Available with or without adhesive backing
Sheets come with a clear protective masking
Brushed metallic finish
Available in 1/16" (1.6mm) thickness
Are there any benefits to using faux metal acrylic sheets?
Metal-like plastic engraving sheets offer several benefits, such as faux metal plastic sheets being a more cost-effective, lightweight, and durable alternative to solid metal sheets. Unlike engraving traditional metals, faux metal sheets do not require pre- or post-production steps.