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Eliminate reflection burns and improve laser cutting quality with the Rack Star Table System. The Rack Star Table System sets directly on to the smooth metal engraving bed and creates air space under your material. This air space creates laminar air flow towards the exhaust. The result is less smoke residue from the laser cutting process and improved cut quality. The Rack Star Fixtures fit sit securely on the pins and position your perfectly in place while keeping them secure and level with the laser beam, as the laser is operating. The Rack Star Fixtures are a great addition to the Rack Star Table System and will help provide improved performance over honeycomb tables that often cause reflection burns on the back side of the material.
Eliminate reflection burns and improve laser cutting quality with the Rack Star Table System. The Rack Star Table System sets directly on to the smooth metal engraving bed and creates air space under your material. This air space creates laminar air flow towards the exhaust. The result is less smoke residue from the laser cutting process and improved cut quality. The Rack Star Fixtures fit sit securely on the pins and position your perfectly in place while keeping them secure and level with the laser beam, as the laser is operating. The Rack Star Fixtures are a great addition to the Rack Star Table System and will help provide improved performance over honeycomb tables that often cause reflection burns on the back side of the material.