This item will be available for preorder on {{product.launch_date_mdy}}.
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Ships direct from the supplier/vendor.
{{}} is only available to buy in increments of {{product.qty_increment}}.
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These white aluminum inserts are easy to sublimate and offer vibrant color results. After personalizing them, you can adhere it to another product, or it can stand alone to display on a shelf, wall, or desk.
Use full color sublimation printing to add a photograph, quote, or illustration. This metal plate also works well as an ornament or gift tag or could be glued to the front of a notebook or keepsake box!
These white aluminum inserts are easy to sublimate and offer vibrant color results. After personalizing them, you can adhere it to another product, or it can stand alone to display on a shelf, wall, or desk.
Use full color sublimation printing to add a photograph, quote, or illustration. This metal plate also works well as an ornament or gift tag or could be glued to the front of a notebook or keepsake box!