This item will be available for preorder on {{product.launch_date_mdy}}.
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{{}} is only available to buy in increments of {{product.qty_increment}}.
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Replacement transfer belt for the iColor 650 toner heat transfer printer.
The transfer belt moves your transfer paper through the printer and passes it across the drum so that the toner can be transferred. Your printer will have a message appear saying "Belt Unit Near Life" letting you know it's time to get a replacement unit. You can find the replacement instructions in the user manual, located in our downloads tab.
Replacement transfer belt for the iColor 650 toner heat transfer printer.
The transfer belt moves your transfer paper through the printer and passes it across the drum so that the toner can be transferred. Your printer will have a message appear saying "Belt Unit Near Life" letting you know it's time to get a replacement unit. You can find the replacement instructions in the user manual, located in our downloads tab.