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The EZ 3/8" Rod Bottom Turnbuckle Mount can be used as either a top or bottom mount for heavier 3/8" rod systems. When creating lightweight projects, you can apply tension to the system by using the EZ-AH32 as the bottom connection and the EZ-A31 as the top connection. A hole must be drilled through the rod so a stop collar can be secured in place with a roll pin. Our Rod Drill Jig tool (HD-A375RDJ) makes this process easier and more accurate than drilling freehand.
The EZ 3/8" Rod Bottom Turnbuckle Mount can be used as either a top or bottom mount for heavier 3/8" rod systems. When creating lightweight projects, you can apply tension to the system by using the EZ-AH32 as the bottom connection and the EZ-A31 as the top connection. A hole must be drilled through the rod so a stop collar can be secured in place with a roll pin. Our Rod Drill Jig tool (HD-A375RDJ) makes this process easier and more accurate than drilling freehand.