This item will be available for preorder on {{product.launch_date_mdy}}.
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{{}} is only available to buy in increments of {{product.qty_increment}}.
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Partition pins make attaching nameplates to a cloth cubicle wall simple! These pins can also be used with other light weight objects that you are displaying in your office space. Most items require 2 pins to securely hang on a cubicle or partition wall.
Available with vinyl or adhesive back.
Adhesive back (part # SP11A) is rated to hold 1.5lbs per pin
Partition pins make attaching nameplates to a cloth cubicle wall simple! These pins can also be used with other light weight objects that you are displaying in your office space. Most items require 2 pins to securely hang on a cubicle or partition wall.
Available with vinyl or adhesive back.
Adhesive back (part # SP11A) is rated to hold 1.5lbs per pin