What's in Store with New Holiday Home Decor

laser-engraving heat-transfer products uv-led
George Privateer
George Privateer
gprivateer@jpplus.com 567.525.5729
With the holiday's right around the corner, now is the perfect time to find some unique, customizable gifts to add to your product offering. Join Stacey and Jackie from Johnson Plastics Plus as they show you a host of BRAND NEW home decor items that are sure to be a big hit with your customers. From ornaments to decorative signs and photo frames, we'll show you the hot items that can be personalized with heat transfer, laser engraving, vinyl, and UV-LED printing. 1. See the hot NEW home decor items, just in time for the holidays! 2. Learn about the ways these items can be personalized for your customers. 3. Ask questions for Stacey and Jackie to answer live!