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Heavy-Duty design and feel. The large blade flips open with a snap and locks securely in place. A thumb knob on the blade helps to safely actuate the blade. A thumb actuated release unlocks the blade for closing into the handle. Solid rosewood grips on the handle of the knife are elegant and durable. The Rosewood will engrave a dark brown color. The stainless steel blade has a large area for engraving and will require CerMark to create a black color.
Heavy-Duty design and feel. The large blade flips open with a snap and locks securely in place. A thumb knob on the blade helps to safely actuate the blade. A thumb actuated release unlocks the blade for closing into the handle. Solid rosewood grips on the handle of the knife are elegant and durable. The Rosewood will engrave a dark brown color. The stainless steel blade has a large area for engraving and will require CerMark to create a black color.